Curie’s Cosmos

Curie’s Cosmos here at the very first edition of Conventus is a predominantly physics based category, with an intersection with applied physics and mathematics. Curie’s Cosmos will help promote interest and engagement in physics, showcase innovative applications of physics principles, encourage problem-solving and critical thinking skills, all while simultaneously providing a platform for participants to demonstrate their knowledge and expertise in physics. 

Round 1: 

Round 1 of Curie’s Cosmos this year will consist of a generic paper-based mcqs and short questions relating to different branches of physics, comprising of but not limited to, quantum mechanics, astrophysics, thermodynamics, mechanics, electromagnetism and nuclear physics. This round will be an elimination round and only a specified number of teams will be moving forward to Round 2.  

Delegate cap: 3 

Round 2:

Round 2 of Curie’s Cosmos will test the delegates’ ability to apply physics and incorporate it into their daily life. Get ur pens and plier ready, for just theoretical knowledge will only get u so far in this category. Delegates will be given an instruction manual and materials and will be tasked to build their functional prototype in a specified time limit. Details regarding the project itself will be revealed before the round starts. 

Delegate cap: 2 

Round 3: 

Delegates will dive deep into the dilemmas of the world of physics and will be tasked with making a research based proposal on various topics pertaining to the application of quantum and nuclear physics. Delegates will need to apply a myriad of techniques to ensure their proposal is feasible and realistic. The details regarding the topic of the proposal will be revealed soon.

Delegate cap: 3 

For further queries please contact the category heads

Khadija khan

+92 303 4270909