Market Mystery

Round 1:

The Economic Simulation Game – “Market Mastery”

Objective: To test participants’ understanding of market dynamics, supply and demand, and decision-making in a simulated economic environment.


– Participants will be given a scenario involving the production and sale of a specific product. – Each team will act as a business, making decisions regarding production, pricing, and marketing strategies.

– Teams will compete in a virtual marketplace with fluctuating demand and external economic factors.

– They will be required to maximise profit and adapt to changing market conditions.

Delegate cap:3

Round 2:

The Economic Policy Debate – “Economic Governance Challenge”

Objective: To evaluate participants’ knowledge of economic policies and their ability to argue for or against a specific economic policy.


– Participants will be provided with a real-world economic issue, such as trade policies, taxation, or government spending.

– Teams will be divided into “pro” and “con” sides and given time to research and prepare their arguments.

– Each team will present their case and counter-arguments in a structured debate format. – They will be evaluated on the quality of their arguments and the depth of their economic analysis. 

Delegate cap: 3

Round 3:

The Economic Case Study Analysis – “Business Decision Challenge”

Objective: To assess participants’ ability to analyse and recommend solutions for a real-world economic problem faced by a hypothetical business.


– Teams will receive a case study detailing the challenges and economic dilemmas faced by a business.

– They will have a set amount of time to analyse the situation, considering various economic concepts and principles.

– Each team will present their findings and recommendations to a panel of judges.

– The judges will assess the practicality and effectiveness of the proposed solutions.

Judging Criteria:

  1. Understanding of Economic Concepts and Theories 2. Application of Economics to Real-World Scenarios 3. Quality of Analysis and Problem-Solving
  2. Presentation Skills and Communication

Delegate cap:3