Retail Rumble

Round 1:

Each team will be allotted a brand prior to the event. They will have to create and submit a document entailing the following:

  1. Unique Brand Name & Logo         
  2. Type of product

III. Market segment

  1. Mission statement 

 A general walkthrough of the business should be given through the document 

The more detailed a document, the more points will be granted

*Submission is to be made a day before. 


Round 2:

Delegates will be expected to pitch and give a brief explanation of their business which they submitted in the round 1. Alongside the introduction of the business, they will also introduce the product and they may choose to show their initial prototype in this round yet beware, it will be compulsory in round 3. Furthermore, there will be Q/A between presenters and judges after every presentation. 

Delegate cap: 3 

(This will be the Elimination round)

 Round 3: 

In this round delegates will have to setup their stall showcasing their product. Delegates will have to showcase a working model of their product which they will design. They should also have all the necessary information regarding the product i.e. cost analysis, production process.

You can earn bonus points if other delegates leave a positive review regarding your product. (Management and your own school won’t count) 

Delegate cap: 3